Want to get the most out of your adjustments?
Pair them with a massage!
Massage Therapy at Thorassic Park
Getting regular massages will decrease muscle tension and allow your adjustments to last longer. Our goal is to improve the whole-body structure - bones, nerves, muscles, ligaments, blood flow, etc. Stretching, exercise, adjustments, massages, and nutrition all play a vital role in your overall health.

What to expect during your massage:




​On your initial visit, you will be asked to fill out a client intake form. Please arrive 10-15 minutes prior to your appointment time to fill it out paperwork (if you have not already done so). The information on this form provides the massage therapist with details about any underlying medical conditions. List all conditions, you know about. There may be ingredients in the products used that you could be allergic to, so be sure to mention any allergies as well. ​Ask questions! If you’re expecting something in particular from the massage, make sure this is verbalized to the therapist. For example, if you’ve been having tightness in your right shoulder and you’d like some extra attention given to that area, tell the therapist. If you prefer a lighter or deeper massage, inform the therapist. The massage therapist will discover your tight and sore areas during the massage and will prioritize the time spent on those areas and may do less work on others. Informing the therapist ahead of time about these problem areas allows you to get the most out of your time and care. ​After reviewing information with the therapist, you will be given you some privacy to get undressed and get on the massage table. Once you’re undressed and under the drape, the therapist will come back into the room.....now relax and enjoy. The therapist will undrape the section of the body that will be worked on first, and apply a lubricant, either oil or lotion to the skin. A variety of strokes will be used; whatever will work best for your muscles. Stretching, rocking, or pressure point work may be added as well. If the therapist gives you directions to exhale slowly, just follow along. If they stretch or rotate any joint, don’t try to help, just stay as relaxed as you can and let the therapist move that part of your body. Most people find quiet is conducive to relaxation, but it’s okay to chat and ask questions if you wish. Don’t feel obligated to make small talk—the focus is on your relaxation and it’s perfectly polite to be quiet. Every therapist has their own style of massage, strokes they like to use on different parts of the body, and prefer to work on different areas of the body in a particular order. One therapist may start you on your stomach and begin the massage with your back. Another may start you on your back and begin with your feet. So for a first visit with any massage therapist, don’t be alarmed if their style and direction is different from another therapist you’ve seen. ​When the therapist finishes with one area of the body, they will put the drape back over that part, and undrape the next section to be massaged. At some point, you may be asked to roll over under the drape, and the therapist will continue with the other side of the body. When the massage is over, you’ll be left in private to get dressed again. If a towel was used for a drape, you can wipe off any excess oil with it. The therapist will return, and this is a good time to discuss any concerns and schedule another appointment.